After reading one of my favorite PES blogs PES Chronicles I found out why my Santa Cruz Breakers team was ranked in the Top 20, qualified for the UEFA, and had 3 sponsors with $3-5 million income each.
The Master League has a "bug" which any edited team will begin with excess money and higher ranking etc... This can be fixed as explained by PES Chornicles and works like a charm.
(1) Begin by starting a Master League with an unedited team such as WE United or PES United
(2) Saving the Master League
(3) Edit the PES United or WE United team with name, log, uniforms, players and re-starting the Master League.
(4) Reload the Master League... Magically the Original non-edited PES united or WE United team is converted to the edited team etc...
FYI, I chose to do the above with WE United and now the WE United is my Santa Cruz Breakers who is ranked last in the Master League.
WE United is now Santa Cruz Breakers and Santa Cruz Breakers is now a new team called NorCal... I didn't want to have two teams with the same name etc...
Now.. I am officially ready to begin my Master League with the Santa Cruz Breakers!
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